New Product! New Store! New Chant!
Today, Cindy talks about new Boom products, a new look to the Boom store, and the Pro-age Revolution chant!
Video Transcript:
Hi, it's Saturday and I'm Cindy and this is Saturday with Cindy. Welcome to all of you who are here for the first time. So it's pretty basic and it's pretty simple. I just talk about all the subjects that you request I talk about and try to answer all the questions you have. So if there are any subjects or questions you do have, post them below in the comment section and I will get them and address them on an upcoming Saturday.
So today I want to announce to you if you don't already know, that we have a brand new web store. So when you go to the website, most of it will look pretty much the same but when you hit the store, you will see a couple of new products and the demo videos up close and personal. I have found that a lot of women love the concept and the message behind the products and when they get them, they're not quite sure what to do with them.
And I've had demo videos posted on the website for a long time, but they were a little difficult to find. And I even had some products sent back with lovely notes saying, "Oh, I wanted so much to enjoy these products, but they weren't right for me." And then I'd write to them and say, "Okay, I will refund your money. I'd like to know what it was, and I hope that you had watched the videos." And then I would get a letter back saying, "I just watched the video. I get it now. Could you please send my products back to me?" So I thought it was pretty important that they'd be right there, so new customers can see them right away and get an idea of what Boom products are all about.
Three simple Boomsticks that are not about coverage, concealing or fixing anything. It's all about looking healthy and happy and looking like yourself. And now I have included upon your request, Boom Touch. This is it. This is the sensual lubricant, the personal lubricant for all of those out there who would enjoy this and the difference between this and Boom Silk is only the elimination of one ingredient and that is the honey. The reason being is a lot of women are prone to vaginal yeast infections, and so you don't want to put any sugar down there because yeast eats sugar and grows with sugars. So we eliminated the honey and it's all the safe, wonderful ingredients of Boom Silk without the honey in Boom Touch sensual lubricant. It will be in the store within two weeks and you can call and order it now.
I'm very excited about this. We've already sold quite a bit. We have an OB-GYN who now carries it in his office. He's ordered it for the third time and it's really quite wonderful. So if you just want to use it so you don't get chafed under your clothes or you want to use it for sensual pleasure with a partner or by yourself, if you just like to make sure you're moisturized down there, it's totally your choice. Boom Touch.
Okay. The second thing on the list is Boom Silk, which you may already know about, but we're now selling it in a 2-ounce jar. I'm particularly excited about this because a 2-ounce jar can be carried on the airplane. It can go in your carry on. So what I do is I take my big jar, my 8-ounce jar of boom silk and refill my 2-ounce jar, you can kind of tell the size, and that's exactly the same size as Boom Touch as well.
So there you go. Come by, see the new store and let me know what you think. I'd love to read your comments below to find out if you think it's better, worse, easier to understand, more complicated. Give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down because I always want to continue improving my website for all of you.
Okay. And the next subject is the Pro-Age Revolution. So some of you may know that I held a public demonstration, the first public gathering in San Francisco, California on July 27 and very soon I will be posting a short video of the event. It was really exciting and really wonderful and the first of many, many more to come. So the plan is to come to your hometown and have you help me host another one. And right now I've planned a private gathering with two different women in California while I'm there to start working on public demonstrations together because that's how this is gonna happen, if we all do it together.
And we've been working on a chant because if you're gonna do a public demonstration, it's really good to have hats, tee shirts, signs, make a lot of noise because the whole idea is to get public awareness. So I asked all of you to come up with a chant and this is one that is feeling pretty close to what might work. So what I've asked everyone to do for all of those who are hearing this for the first time is to come up with a chant that has a rhythm, some rhyming that we can all say together if we're marching together in a town square, around the block, down the street on a podium, on stage, however we can do it.
Value your age at every stage. Come and engage in the Pro-Age Revolution. Value your age at every stage. Come and engage in the Pro-Age Revolution. I think that's pretty darn good thanks to June. She posted it on the Boom Facebook page and I think it's working. Value your age at every stage. Come and engage in the Pro-Age Revolution. So we just might get people joining our march with that chant. So again, please leave your comments. Thumbs up, thumbs down.
It was great hanging out with you today. I hope you enjoyed today's Saturday with Cindy. And don't forget to leave your comments. I love hearing from you and it would be great to get a whole new slew of ideas for subjects to talk about, things you would like addressed, you'd like to hear my humble point of view on and anything you can think of. It could be products, it could be the frivolous things of life, hair, makeup, jewelry, fashion or health, and well-being. Or we could go into more serious subjects. Whatever you choose, it's up to you. All right. Thanks so much. And I will see you next Saturday.