Silver Sisters
The author of "Going Gray Looking Great" is on the show today! Diana Jewel and Cindy talk about the Silver Sisters, aging, going gray and much more! Watch the video to learn more.
Video Transcript:
Hey welcome to Saturday with Cindy. And I have a guest with me who you can see, and I'm sure many of you recognize her. It's the great Oz. She is known as Oz, it's Diana Jewel, author of, "Going Grey Looking Great." I know know one of your favorite subjects is talking about hair, hair, hair, and the color of our hair. You voted one of those Saturday's with Cindy where I went on and on about silver hair, pretty high. So I have brought the queen herself and we are going to have a blast, because it's Saturday.
Diana, say hi to everybody.
Diana: Hi everybody. And I'm all boomed up here Cindy.
Cindy: Yay.
Diana: I've got my Boomsticks on, my Boomstick Glo, my Boomsilk, my Boomstick Glimmer.
Cindy: You know I wasn't even going to let her on here, unless she had her boom on. Just kidding. So we want to tell you about a very, very exciting event that Diana and the Silver Sisters have put together for October 27th. Because those gals just love to get together and talk about their silver hair, and beauty, and age, and children, and grandchildren, and life, and everything. As I always say, woman gather of superficial things like make up and jewelry and sweater sales, but when they get together we talk about very important things. So Diana, what's some of the history of some of these gatherings.
Diana: We've had gatherings since I think 2008, when we first gathered at the Hudson hotel and we were a very small group. Year after year, that group has increased in number, and increased in number and now we're pretty big. So it's going to be fun, and it's going to be in New York City, so look out world.
Cindy: New York, what a perfect, perfect place. So this is what I've heard, and correct me if I'm wrong.
Diana: Okay.
Cindy: All of your Silver Sisters, the Going Grey, looking great gals who gathered on your website in your Cafe Grey, over these years are getting together in Time Square, in New York City and marching together?
Diana: Yes, it's true, we're going to meet first. We're going to have a good time laughing, talking and sharing funny stories and serious stories and we're just going to have a ball. And we war marching on Time Square. Make no mistake about that.
Cindy: Wow, I'm so excited and I know about this because Diana invited me to be there. She is gathering these women together for a luncheon, and you are all invited. And I know some of you are actually going to be there. You do not have to belong to the Cafe Grey. You don't even have to have silver hair. What did you say Diana, you just thing about it.
Diana: If you're even thinking about having silver hair we want you to join us, and all of these woman aren't going to have long flowing gorgeous silver hair. Some of them are actually newbies, and they just have little inches of silver hair. But they're there because they're there in spirit, and they want to support the sisterhood, and they want to say, yay, hey, we're grey and we're proud.
Cindy: I love it, I love it. So Diana and I hooked up about 2008 when Diana had asked me to join her for this luncheon. And then the next year we all gathered in Las Vegas. The year after that I couldn't make it, but they were all gathered there again, and the numbers are getting bigger. So this year, she's created this gathering at Time Square, and this luncheon brunch together before hand. And I of course jumped on the band wagon. It all fit's together. Celebrating silver hair, celebrating our age, is all apart of what I call the, "Pro Age Revolution." So we are both inviting all of you, your daughters, your sisters, your grandmothers, your mothers, your cousins, your friends, everybody. The more woman that come together on Time Square and show the world that age is right, age is beautiful, age is sexy, age is gorgeous. The more we're going to make a huge impact on this world that we live in. That we are growing up in, growing old in, we want to celebrate our age together.
So if you want to come to the luncheon, look below and you well see the email address, and write to Diana, and she will give you all the details. Where, when, how much, what the deal is? If you are not able to come to the luncheon for any reason. You can still join us at Time Square. We have a photographer, the Boom by Cindy Joseph photographer that shot all those beautiful woman on my homepage and all the products shots and everything. He's going to be there for us, he's going to film all of us arm-in-arm, marching through Time Square together.
So be there, be square be Time Square. And join in and you will definitely get a photograph, and I of course will be posting pictures on my website, and Diana will be posting them on Facebook. Going Grey Looking Great, Facebook page, and Cafe Grey Zita [SP] boards. Join in on the fun, join in on the conversation however you can be a part of it. Please come. Oh Diana, you were going to talk about what's happening at the luncheon, and how that's going to go. You have some guests, you some little special prizes or something.
Diana: We sure do. We have you Cindy, and I know you're going to demonstrate Boomsticks on several members of the audience, that will be fun. We also have Susan Hersch, and she's a beautiful, beautiful silver haired model. And we have another woman who's coming that will talk about her experiences when she was in Hollywood, and they said, no, no, no, no, no. Forget that grey hair, she has long gorgeous beautiful white hair. We have prizes, we have a goody bag of Jhirmack products which is fantastic.
Cindy: That's great. And this really isn't costing anything other than the price of the meal. It includes like a whole brunch, and beverages, alcoholic beverages, as well as coffee and tea, and all that. So the whole ball of wax for like 50 bucks, 55 bucks or something.
Diana: Yes, 55 bucks plus taxes.
Cindy: That's amazing that you put that together. I love it. So I'm excited to go, because I want to hear Susan talk. Susan Hersch is a beautiful model with Ford, and I've seen her at many go sees, you know, when they've considered one or the other for the same job. I consider her in a whole different league because she's really tall and really thin, and she's definitely younger than I am, stunning. I think she was recently in a Sephora ad or her picture was in Sephora. And she's got a lot of things to say about her career and how that's gone and then this other person from Hollywood, well, we'll keep that one a secret.
I'm very much looking forward to that, and all these gifts and everything. I mean I think it's going to be fantastic. But one of the things that I love about these gatherings is we all get to meet each other, and talk to each other, face to face over a glass of wine. Yacking about life, yacking about all these subjects that we're so passionate about. So I just so encourage you to come if you can, and don't forget. Write to Diana at the email bellow, we will post information as well, but you can get all the information directly from her through email, and I think that's it for our Saturday. Diana: It's been fun Cindy.
Cindy: I'm so glad you came, I'm so glad you got to tell everybody directly, what's happening October 27nd. It's the Pro Age Revolution, see you there.