Migdalia's Story: No Stress and Silver Hair at 61
Migdalia's Story:
No Stress and
Silver Hair at 61
Married for 37 years. Mother of three “wonderful kids.” Now a grandmother of “beautiful grandbabies.”
At 61, Migdalia still approaches life with this no-stress, carefree attitude. She is proud of who she is and what she’s accomplished—beautiful silver hair and all.
Watch the video to hear her inspiring story.
Video Transcript:
My name is Migdalia. I’m 61-years-old.
I feel great. I honestly do. I mean I try to take care of myself, so I don’t get aches and pains, but I feel fantastic. It’s funny how back at 21 you don’t really pay any attention to anything that goes on with your body. But at 61, I feel like I have more control. Because I know who I am, I know how I feel, and I know where I’m going.
I don’t question myself in the mornings. I get up, I do my thing and I take care of what I have to do and I’m just very, very grateful and happy. What makes me feel beautiful is the fact that I’m not worried about how I look anymore. I’m very content just walking out the house with no makeup, it doesn’t bother me. I feel good inside and I believe it starts to show.
So that’s all I have to do. I don’t worry, I don’t stress that anymore. When I was younger it’s all about you know what makeup, what this and that, and you know the latest trend. I’m not interested in that. I just want to be healthy and I want my face to look you know healthy.
What makes a woman beautiful is her confidence, her assurance, being elegant in her own way just keeping her composure and just being who she is inside and always keeping that in place. I always look for that, you know, I look for that in other women to see how they dress and how they compose themselves.
It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or expensive. It’s just the grace of it all. You know just being graceful.
Early on, back in my 40s—I decided, well you know a few here and there—I need to color this. I thought that would be great for me. But then, first of all, I don’t like the maintenance. Second, that didn’t do very well.
But my gray hair: when it started coming in, it was just… I earned them.
I was very content about them. I just embraced them. Everybody comments about it, and they asked me if I color my hair. No, this is all-natural and I’m very, very happy about them.
Age: it’s just not a number anymore, it’s how you feel inside. Just take care of yourself, and those wrinkles will be your signature, will be your statement of who you are.
What makes me feel alive is having my family around me. I lost my mother when I was very young, and I came to live with my sister—one of my older sisters. So there was that sense of loss, and where I belong and where was I gonna go? But my sisters were all very incredible for me, all of them. I have five, so they all took care of me and they guided me through that you know going to school, of course, staying in school and all the way through my I guess mid-30s.
I fell in love, of course. Then there’s my wonderful husband, who 37 years later, we’re here. He was my inspiration as well because he’s just as animated, he’s energetic, and he would lift me up if I didn’t feel good.
I have three wonderful kids. My daughter who is the oldest, she’s 35. She’s given me the most beautiful grandbabies. I have two sons in the middle and my youngest is going to be 29-years-old and they are fantastic. I feel like I did my job.
I’m so proud to be 61.