Meet Claudia: No Defying or Denying Her Age
What does being pro-age mean to you?
To Claudia, it means being exactly who she is—and not denying that to anyone.
Watch her video or read on for more.
Video Transcript:
Pro-age just means understanding who you are and embracing it, embracing who you are at your age instead of denying it and trying to defy it.
I don't have to defy my age. I admit how old I am. I say to everybody that I'm 45 years old. No big deal.
I don't expect anyone to say, "Wow, you look so much younger." I just expect them to say, "Oh, yeah, that's what I thought," which is totally fine. Just go with it.
As always, we’d love to hear what you think. Do you agree with Claudia? If so, leave a “yes” in the comments.
Or if not, tell us… what does being pro-age mean to you?