What Makes a Woman Truly Beautiful
What’s your definition of a beautiful woman? What does she look like? What does she act like? How does she feel about herself?
Today, 12 women of the Pro-age Revolution are sharing their thoughts on what makes a woman truly beautiful.
Watch the video to hear their collective wisdom.
Video Transcript:
Joy: What makes a woman beautiful is how she feels about herself.
Polly: You are beautiful when you are a kind and loving person.
Erica: I think it's her confidence.
Migdalia: Her confidence.
Sarah: Belief in herself.
Charlotte: Everybody's unique. Everybody's different. Everybody has something beautiful.
Jennie: Is she someone who is interested in the greater good? Is she somebody who embraces all different kinds of people? Those are beautiful things.
Terrie: The woman often, I think, holds the space for the family. I think that that's a very beautiful thing. This power to hold people, children, life together.
Joanna: Beautiful women are all shapes, sizes, colors.
Erica: What is beauty really? I mean, there's no...I don't think there's any definition.
Shira: What beauty is, is something that you don't need to define. You just demonstrate it.
Karen: What doesn't make a woman beautiful?
Patricia: As long as she loves who she is and shows that to the world, I think she's beautiful.
Now it’s your turn. What do you think makes a woman truly beautiful? Let us know in the comments below.