What Does It Mean to Be Pro-age?
13 inspiring women. 13 inspiring reasons to love your age.
Watch the video to hear what it means to be “pro-age.”
Video Transcript:
Nina: Pro-age, for me, is a radical acceptance of something that happens to everyone.
Jeni: It's a positive view of aging.
Patricia: Pro-age, to me, means embracing where you're at.
Migdalia: It means going forward. It means positivity.
Rene: Living an active life. Living a happy life. Not trying to hide it.
Ellen: Loving where I'm at right now.
Joy: Celebrating who you are and what you've gone through.
Jessica: I would say, embracing the age that you are.
Claudia: Understanding who you are.
Hillary: It just means, stop putting a negative connotation on aging.
Martine: It's okay to get older.
Karen: There's no shame associated with the natural progress of aging.
Polly: It's about how you feel.
Nina: This is life, this is what we all go through, and why in the world wouldn't we embrace it?