Ask Cindy
Today, Cindy joins us from her car to let everyone know she wants to hear from you. What subjects are you interested in? What are your viewpoints?
Video Transcript:
Hey everybody. Welcome back, it's "Saturday with Cindy" and you never know where I'm gonna be speaking from. I am sitting in a parking lot waiting for my friends at the UPS Store and the sun is going down. So, I figured now is better than ever. So, here I am sitting in my Subaru Outback speaking to you. And I've been talking about a lot of subjects over the past year, every Saturday all the subjects that you have asked me and requested and it's been a lot of fun. Welcome to all the newcomers who have not experienced "Saturday with Cindy" before, you can look at all the archived videos that have happened over the past year if you wanna check out some of the topics that you might be interested in. All my "Saturday with Cindy" videos, our responses, and answers to the questions and requests of my fans and my customers.
So, if there's anything you wanna know about me and my life, my viewpoints, the pro-age revolution, Boom products, fashion, beauty, diet, health, just send them along. You can post them below. or you can ask me on Facebook, and I will do everything I can to bring you as much wisdom, sanity, sensible viewpoints about all those subjects. So, that's the way it's been going so far. So, I haven't been around in quite a few weeks, I was in California taking an amazing course called, "Saying Yes To Pleasure." And it's all about bringing deeper communication, more intimacy and more sweetness to your relationship. And then Bruce and I got back and six days later we got married. So, where do I begin? I've had so many great adventures and one of them was with a dear friend of mine in California who happens to be a wardrobe stylist. And she was a professional consultant for many years on national television based in Southern California.
And here I am 62 years old, I have been in the fashion industry for 40 some odd years. And I could certainly give my opinion about how others dress. But when I look in the mirror, and I'm dressing myself, I have never really seen myself the way the world sees me objectively. And this woman is amazing, she stood me in front of the mirror and she dressed me and she asked me to point out what I noticed. And over a period of about three or four sessions, she had me realize that I was wearing my clothes too small, too tight, colors that were not at all flattering to me, my complexion, my eyes, and my hair and dressing younger and less professional than I am. So, watch out because now you're gonna see a whole new Cindy. I'm very excited about it, very fun stuff. So, from frivolous, superficial things like fashion, wardrobe, to some of the deeper subjects like having a partner for many years and living beyond the time that they live.
So continuing into your future alone rather than with your life mate, pretty intense stuff. There's so much for all of us to share and relate with about those subjects. So, whatever you got for me, send it along. I'd love to hear about it, I'd love to know what subjects you're interested in and hearing your viewpoint as well as sharing mine. So, let's get started. The new year is beginning soon and we've got a lot of Saturdays coming up over 2014. Okay. I will read everything you write and I'll come up with something for next Saturday. So, I'll see you then.