Pro-Age Revolution-Silver Sisters March in Times Square
When women get together and start discussing what is important to us, is when action starts and history gets changed. When we get together with the same intention, we can move mountains.
Today, Cindy talks about the Silver Sisters march in Times Square. Watch the video to hear all about it!
Video Transcript:
Hi. Welcome to Saturday with Cindy. You could probably guess, I'm Cindy. And I wanted to tell all of you out there who are brand new to me, to BOOM! and to Saturdays with Cindy, what this is all about. So basically about five years ago, I started thinking about women, age, beauty, time, and cosmetics. I was a make-up artist for 27 years, working around the world on fashion shoots. Sorry for the interruption but I just had to go comb my hair, change my clothes and get my Boom on! I wanted to continue feeling a little fresher, a little better.
This Saturday with Cindy is coming late in the day because I have been delayed for the last couple of weeks. And I will explain all of that but I'm going to finish my thought. And that is I have also been modeling for the last 13 years. Since I was 49 years old. I'm now 61 and a half. So considering my time in the fashion industry, considering that now I am representing women of my age.
And having been involved in the fashion industry as a make-up artist for so long, I was asked by a friend to create a cosmetic line. Which I did. It's called BOOM! by Cindy Joseph. You can go to the website and check it out. It's a great line because it's simple and no nonsense. It's about looking happy, fresh, vital and alive. Not about correcting or changing the way you look. I truly believe that all women are naturally attractive. Especially when they're feeling good and having a great time. I noticed all of those years, working with so many women and making them up, that when women are happy their skin revs up with color. They're skin becomes dewy and becomes radiant. And that's what BOOM! is all about.
So that's the back story. I have also noticed that women come together over things like cosmetics. Sweater sales, community projects, all kinds of things. Once we get together and start discussing what is important to us, is when action starts and history gets changed. When we get together with the same intention, we can move mountains. So today is Saturday, November 3rd. I live just about 30 minutes north of New York City. So as many of you already know, I was in the midst of Hurricane Sandy. A couple of days before I was in the midst of the Hurricane of the Silver Sisters marching on Times Square! Yes. That's what happened. Some of you were there. Some of you heard about it and wanted to be there, and you were certainly there in spirit. And some of you may not know anything about it at all.
A quick recap; Diana Jewell, of Going Gray Looking Great, and I got together. She did most of the organization. I have to give her that credit of bringing together many of her members, who have read her book, Going Gray Looking Great. And decided to let their silver hair shine! We all decided to get together and march on Times Square and show the world that silver hair, age, being over 50 years old is gorgeous, stylish, happy, vibrant, beautiful! And it happened. The New York Times covered it. We don't know when it's going to be published yet. We will keep you posted.
If you want any information about this, go to Facebook page BOOM! by Cindy Joseph. Go to Facebook page Going Gray Looking Great. Go to The Gray Cafe Zeta Boards and start chatting with everybody. It's all over, the news is out. You can also go to to my blog where this video is posted and many others that I've done in the past. I think there's about 25 now. So it was a magical amazing day.
Jhirmack was there and gave everybody an amazing selection of hair products for their silver hair. We marched on Times Square. We sat and had an amazing lunch and just shared and talked. Women came from everywhere. Women flew in from California, Ohio, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina. There were 65 of us. It was an ocean of pewter, silver, salt and pepper, pearl gray, snow white. Some of the women had their natural hair but they didn't have a whole lot of silver yet. They just had little streaks here and there. Gorgeous! And some of the women, who had been dying their hair decided to stop and they're what Diana calls 'newbies'. And they had a few inches showing. We were all there together. It didn't matter. We were all marching with the same idea.
And that is celebrating life. Celebrating how we look no matter what it is. Let me tell you, the pedestrians and people around where like oh my God! Who are those beautiful women? What's going on here? They were taking pictures and shooting videos. They were asking questions and saying right on! Yay! You go! There were young women, really young women, walking by with silver hair. We all shouted out to them. Men, women, children, it was a love fest. It was really really great. Really really great.
You can go to all of those places, all of those websites and Facebook pages and see what we're talking about and what happened. And we will do it again, no doubt. And hopefully you will join us. Come one, come all. Men, women, children. We've got to show the world that it's time. It's time to realize that age is good. That life is good. The goodness doesn't stop at 30. In fact, there are so many goodies to come after that. And if you think about it, the average life span is 80-something years old.
We are over 30 for a much larger proportion of our life. We all want to know that it gets better and better and better. And so far that's what we've been experiencing and that's what we're showing the world. So that's what the Silver Sisters marching on Times Square was all about. And that's what my subjects on Saturday with Cindy are about, including a lot more. So please join.
You can go to, and join the Boom Club. You'll get in on all the Saturdays with Cindy, and all the fun and all the excitement. And the pro age revolution. That's what I'm calling it. It matters to all of us, no matter how old you are. We all want to know that getting older is getting better, not getting worse. So, I do want to mention Hurricane Sandy. We've all seen it on the news. We've all experienced it. Our house and we were spared the devastation. I don't know how it happened but this little pocket up in Yonkers, New York. Little teeny pocket, was unscathed. Two blocks away, trees down, building getting crushed, cars getting crushed. It's all around us, very very close. We never lost power. Just a miracle.
Three years ago we were hit by a tornado that never touched ground, which they call a micro-burst. We have experienced some of that destruction. My heart goes out to all. I have reached out, invited people to stay. Get hot showers, warmth, hot cooked meal and a home. To be able to use their computers, etc. So far everybody has said we've already got that and found that near by. We're all praying and hoping that we can get food and warm clothes, dry clothes to everybody on Staten Island and on and on. It's pretty intense. New York is slowly coming back to life. People are back to work but as I'm sure you all know, there are still a lot of power outages and help to be given. Money is being raised. One thing I learned about charity, it's a great great motto, one thing to remember. Give until it feels really really good. But don't give until it hurts because if you do, you just become a part of the problem. So if it's a dollar or if it's 10,000 dollars, whatever you can give that feels good, send it! Not to me. Send it to the appropriate agencies.
There was a group of singers last night that sang for a benefit to raise money. So check that out, go online, search and find out where to send your surplus. Okay. That's it for now. I will definitely be back next Saturday. I will have more to say, as I always do. Alright, cheers! Have a great day. Love to all of you.