Quotes, Thoughts & More
Quotes, Thoughts
& More
Today, Cindy reads her favorite quotes, and shares some thoughts on the whole spectrum of emotions we all feel.
Video Transcript:
Hey, it's that time already. It's Saturday. How are you doing? So, I love quotes. And I wanna read you a few quotes, and then I wanna describe something to you. So, one of the quotes is,
"Getting rich is a more popular but less rewarding game than having fun."
"It's expedient to tell the truth."
"If you must change anything but your judgment to have a positive self-image, it will never happen."
I talk a lot about that.
"Your judgment of yourself, when you value yourself just as you are, others will value you."
"The only thing that age diminishes is frantic action. Getting older does not mean getting worse."
"The only difference between cowardice and courage is the direction you run in the face of fear."
"Age means grace. There's little grace in youth."
"In any given situation, there are always two ways to win and one way to lose. So, the odds are always with us. Number one, get an agreement with the situation. Two, change it to something you're already in agreement with. Three, lose."
If you want me to explain that in detail later, let me know. It's a good one. Because any given situation you're in, the odds are with us to have it go well, and it's entirely up to our point of view.
"How can you be in love with yourself until you know who you are?"
I love quotes. If you've got some good quotes, send them, send them. I love them. This one's great.
"It is ridiculous to fall in love with a woman and then be mad because she doesn't act like a gentleman." I love that one.
All right, one more. Oh, I think that's it. Okay. So, quotes, quotes are really fun. They do the opposite of what I do. I'm so long-winded. I explain, and explain, and explain, and quotes take all that and boil it down to this juicy little nugget. So, I admire those people that can do that.
Mark Twain once wrote, "I would have written you a much shorter letter, but I just didn't have the time." It takes a long time to boil all your thoughts and feelings down into a little nugget.
So, what I wanted to talk about is our judgment, our negative judgment about certain emotions that we have as human beings, because we're told all our lives, it's not nice to be jealous. It's not healthy to be jealous. Well, you shouldn't be angry. Don't cry. Don't be sad. Don't be angry. Don't be jealous. Don't be envious. Don't feel self-doubt. Don't get scared. Oh, it's not good to be confused, have clarity of mind, and on and on and on.
Well, I say that's a big lie we're telling to each other. We want the entire spectrum of emotions from the most positive to the most negative. And if we didn't want to feel this grand spectrum of emotions, first off, why would we be built with them? Why is it impossible to extract them from ourselves? And the more we resist any of the so-called negative feelings, do they keep persisting and persisting?
So, we have three choices. Get in agreement with it, and just experience the darn thing. Or change something that we are already in agreement with, in other words, set up a situation so we have a different emotion. Or just lose about having those feelings. But guess what? We wouldn't read the books we read, watch the movies we watch, or go see the plays that we see if we didn't wanna have those feelings.
So, think about this. You consciously choose a movie, you read the reviews, you decide who you wanna see that movie with, which theater, you get to the theater or at home. You pick exactly what seat you wanna sit in while you're watching it. And then you wanna eat a very specific thing while you're watching it. And then when the lights go down, and the movie starts, you wanna forget that you did all of that, so you can be at complete effect of the movie. In other words, you want that movie to make you laugh, to make you cry, to get you scared, to get you angry, to make you confused, to scare you again, then surprise you, and delight you, and have you feel joy, and happiness, and laughter, and the whole spectrum of emotions.
Gotcha. The gigs up. You want all those feelings. You want to experience all those feelings. And you also wanna experience getting mad at me for saying that. And you also wanna disagree and, you know, come up with a dissertation about why you don't wanna feel all that stuff. You want it all. You wanna be alive. You wanna use all your facilities as a human being, and you wanna use them all up so you're completely shriveled up into this huge little ball of nothing before you die. How about that? That's it. See you next Saturday.