Society tells us that life is all downhill from the time we hit 25 or 29-years-old. That is absolutely absurd! We think it’s time to talk about that. It’s time to say how fabulous life is after 25, after 55 and beyond. The truth is you just get better and better with age. Watch Cindy’s video to hear more.
Video Transcript:
I wanted to share with you something about all the emails I get from customers of Boom, who purchase my cosmetics, which you probably know by now are organic, and safe, and it’s all about looking like you look when you’re at your happiest, and not trying to cover and conceal, or trying to look younger than you are or older than you are, but really celebrating and looking the best that you are in your own unique self.
That has touched a lot of women. Having a pro-age message, as opposed to anti-age, has hit a chord in a lot of people, and I say it’s about time. It’s about time that we start talking about what’s real and what isn’t.
Women are bombarded with judgment on their looks all day, every day from the minute they are born to the minute they die. We’re told our looks start to fade disappear and go away by the time we are 25 or 29-years-old. I think it’s time to talk about that, because we are over 25-years-old a much larger percentage of our life than we are under, and we are supposed to believe that everything starts going downhill after 25. That is crazy. That is absurd.
The good news is, it’s make-believe. People in our society just made that up. So that means we can make up anything we want. We are in control. We are in power, and if we decide that that is a bunch of bull, then we can just make up something else.
So how about saying that life after 25 is fabulous and gets better and better and better. And then we can say, “I’m 35 and three-quarters year old and I can’t wait until I’m 40.” Just like we did back when we were five and six years old.
We haven’t had a lot of examples to look up to, to see that women in their 40’s and 50’s and 60’s are rocking and having a great time and feeling good and looking good. But times have changed. Start looking around. Look at my generation. Look at the Boomers. Man, we are doing some amazing things, and we are looking good while doing it.
Silver hair is not a bad thing. I like to call it silver instead of gray because silver has value. When we start valuing our silver hair and our crow’s feet and our age, our wisdom, our experience, the whole ball of wax, age is going to start looking better and better to everybody.
So I get letters from women. I recently got a letter from a young woman. She started going silver when she was 27.
She is now 34. She’s thought about dying it, but apparently, she’s highly sensitive to the chemicals in dyes and can’t do it. So she’s struggling because she’s trying to feel good about what Mother Nature has naturally done to her, and I think every woman struggles with that. So I don’t want to make this particular blog any longer. I feel like I’ve said what I want to say, but I have a whole lot more to say about it. So stay tuned.