Botox, Facial Hair, Heat Cycles & Honey!
Botox, Facial Hair, Heat Cycles
and Honey!
This week, Cindy is answering your questions on getting botox, removing facial hair, and using honey as a preservative (specifically for Boomsilk and Boomstick Glo).
Cindy is also explaining how heat cycles work—and why it’s worth understanding how a woman’s (and even the Earth’s!) heat cycles happen.
Watch the video to hear Cindy’s answers to this and more.
Video Transcript:
Good morning! It’s Saturday again, and I’m back! Are you getting sick of me yet, rattling off like I do? Well, I’ve been having a blast and I’ve really been enjoying your responses, and your questions. I wanted to get back to those.
We have a question from Cathy, talking about facial hair. If you’re over 45, you probably know a lot about it. Do you get waxed? Do you bleach them? Do you pluck them? What do you do?
Well, when you get waxed, know that not only are they taking out those stubborn long dark or white ones that are kind of stiff. I hate those things, they drive me nuts. I feel them, I’m in the movies and I can feel it and I just want to go get my tweezers and get them out. I actually carry a very strong magnifying mirror and tweezers with me at all times, and I have told my kids that when I get so old and so feeble I can’t feel them or see them anymore it is their job to make sure they are gone. I used to go visit my mom and she would have like 10 long white hairs coming out of her chin and she didn’t even know it. Drives me crazy. And what kind of sense does that make? We lose the hair on our heads and then get hair on our chins. What is that about? Guys lose the hair on their heads and then get hair in their ears, what is that about? I haven’t figured it out yet and I haven’t found a doctor or anybody that has studied the natural history of man that can give me an answer, so we’re stuck with it.
So, when you pluck a hair it takes it out by the root. Each root has three or four hairs that grow from it, the follicle. What happens is, the hair grows all the way out, then it dies, then it falls out, and another one is starting to grow. That is true of every single hair follicle on our bodies. The reason we’re not bald or have no eyelashes is because they’re all doing it at a different time. Every hair on your body has a pre-set length that it grows to, and then it dies, and then it falls out. When you pluck your hair, you’re actually, after many years of plucking, you change the channel that the hair grows out of and it gets crooked and messed up. That’s why after you’ve been plucking, the hairs are actually harder to get out sometimes, they’re really stubborn because it’s not just slipping out of a straight clean channel.
When you pluck with a tweezer or you pluck by waxing, it’s still plucking because you are yanking the hair out by its roots. If you want to get hair off of here or some hairs off of here, and you wax it, you are taking out all those fine little peach fuzz that you don’t see along with the longer, darker stuff you do see. I always think it looks a little strange because you’ve got this blank, like your palms, spot with no hair at all and you can see the edge where the hair grows around it.
I highly recommend that you do not wax, that you pluck. Then you’re just getting those specific hairs out, and also if you pluck your eyebrows it’s really easy to take out way too much. That’s what I have to say about facial hair, I hope that satisfies you Cathy and anybody else interested.
Daisy was asking about preservatives and honey, so obviously about Boomsilk. Very interesting, they have found jars of honey that have been sitting for 5,000 years in a sarcophagus. Leave it to the kings that can take it with them after they’ve split the scene. This honey is as if it was just taken out of the hive, it’s edible, it’s clean. Now that’s what I call a preservative. Think it will preserve our skin, too?
It’s 100% organic, and honey is a fantastic preservative. A lot of people get concerned about Boomstick Glo and Boomsilk getting rancid, being bad in some way, and it’s really not possible unless you put something with a bacteria in it that can grow. But the propolis is an antiseptic and it’s what keeps the hive germ free, so it’s very difficult for any bacteria to grow in there. I’ve got a jar of Boomsilk right here because I was going to talk about it on another video. You are safe. If this comes in the mail and it’s been sitting in the heat for a long time, do not worry. I have tested, tested, tested it in my own car. I have put all the products in my car for an entire year, living through a New York summer in a car, and a New York winter, so they’ve gone through the whole cycle. They do not change, they do not go bad, they work just as well, the consistency stays, so you’re good to go. Alright, I hope that answered that question.
D-R-Rumill—I can’t read my own writing, sorry about that—she asked about me using botox because she seemed to think my forehead was very smooth. I’m telling you, these video cameras just don’t see the truth, just don’t see the real deal because my forehead…I mean maybe it’s smoother than some people. I actually always thought I had a really huge forehead and I wore bangs most of my life because the kids would make fun of me, so I didn’t want it to show. Then I decided it was a look of intelligence and I just let her rip. I have never used botox, I never would. I like having expression in my face. Right? When I see you Saturday morning, don’t I make some really strange faces while I talk? You know that’s me. That’s what I love about other people, that we have feelings that actually show on the outside.
I wouldn’t want this very perfect face. I remember working with a model once who thought that if she did this a lot she’d get wrinkles, so she would laugh and she actually would go [laughs] and she didn’t want to smile all the way. Of course, that got me cracking up and I laughed harder, and then she laughed harder. I wonder what she thinks now, she’s probably about 55-years-old.
Janet wanted me to find out who the author was, the father who wrote the book about food additives, and I am sorry I have not done my research. But I would do it the same way you would, which is the internet. Just write in any keyword you can any which way and backwards, and find out if you can discover who that author is. But there are many books about food additives that you can read. So sorry Janet, I haven’t figured it out yet and if I do I will definitely let you know.
Melanie, your opinion on products to lighten freckles? Why do you want to take away your freckles? I love freckles! My daughter has freckles, we used to say it’s where the brownies kissed her, they’d sneak in at night and kiss her and leave freckles. So, no I don’t have a clue, and if there is a chemical that actually takes freckles off of your skin—and freckles are deep—you don’t want to get that stuff near you. No, learn to love your freckles.’
Jean, Sanitas Solar Care. Maybe she was asking me about that product? Jean, I do not know anything about it. Oh, right, I remember. I think you were recommending it because it’s a safe sunscreen. Sanitas, S-A-N-I-T-A-S, so anybody interested, check it out.
Let’s see. Well, I’ll let you know where I am. I’m sitting on my front porch, and right there, that is a path, it’s a foot trail, that runs along my property and goes up about 30 miles. I’m looking out at the river and the cliffs, and it’s absolutely gorgeous, I love it out here, and I’m feeling a little wistful about summer coming to an end.
However, I’m not feeling that way about my lack of energy. I cannot seem to get motivated to do the things that I normally do. Like if I have a break in the day and I tend to feel pretty industrious and I want to do different cycles, so I might work in the office for BOOM! for a while, and then maybe I’ll do some personal emails, and then I’ll go out and do a little gardening, then chill out on the front porch and do different things. One of the things I really love doing is cleaning out storage. I just hate accumulating things, but I do like everybody does and every once in a while I’ll go through the boxes and say it’s gotta go. I’ve really been wanting to do that, and I have a little more time right now, it’s kind of that lull at the end of summer and I just can’t get motivated. So I can either fight it, or I can surrender to it, and maybe just hang up a hammock and read a few books and take it in because I know the fall energy is going to get me motivated again.
Which brings me to something that I would love to share with you. I learned that humans, human females, have heat cycles just like the rest of the mammals on the planet, and I was not told until I was in my 40s. So what that means is the energy builds up in your body twice a month, and as it surges towards ovulation and menstruation you have a peak of energy, and then it goes down, and then you have another peak. If you’re postmenopausal, that will not be happening.
If you’re pre-menopause, you have your cycles, pay attention to that and have the people around you pay attention to that. Because what happens is, when we get that energy, also we get pressure on ourselves, and it’s a tumescence and we will do anything to release that energy. Hence what they call PMS, emotional PMS. Let’s fight, let’s cry, you want to just explode.
Well, another interesting thing is Mother Nature, the Earth, also has heat cycles and the peak is in the spring, then it goes down in the summer, and then there’s another peak in the fall, and it goes way down in the winter. That is something to pay attention to. Now, we all know the sense of back to school, back to work, everybody gets energetic and industrious in the fall. That’s the Earth’s heat cycle, and we are responding to it. The other one is in the fall, and that’s a very strong one as well.
So when you feel the lull in winter and summer, don’t worry it’s not you, and when you get that burst of energy and you become very industrious know that you are responding to Mother Nature. And, when you’re going through your own heat cycles in your body, men respond to you. So, they can actually take the ride with you although they have stable hormones, compared to our cyclic hormones. So that’s kind of an interesting subject, if you want to know more about it let me know.
I think we’re done for today, so have a great day. This has been a blast, I hope I answered everybody’s questions. Ask some more if you’d like, or bring up some subjects you’d like me to speak about and I’ll do that. I’ll see you next Saturday.