Loving Your Body
To Cindy, every experience in your life shows on your body. So why not love your body and these reminders of your life?
This week, Cindy is also explaining how she can come visit your hometown.
Watch the video to hear more.
Video Transcript:
Okay. So I wanted to tell you that I have a dream, and my dream is to come to your hometown and do a presentation. Talk about BOOM!, talk about makeup, do makeovers, all that stuff, which I love, and it’s great fun.
But one of the most exciting things to me about women getting together over jewelry, fashion, make-up, is that brings us together and once we’re together we start talking about things that are deeper, that have meaning and deeper importance to us. So all the superficial fun… [Thunder in background]. Woo-hoo. I think we’re making things happen. Mother Nature’s talking back. She’s going, ‘Yeah. It’s a revolution. Boom.’ I love it.
Alright, so I want to do that. So every time that I am able to come to somebody’s town, like I just did the thing in Springfield, Massachusetts. And Mary Hodgens, she’s writing like crazy, telling everybody about BOOM! And she’s setting up a greet & meet when I go back there to do a radio show. But I have to have a reason to come to a town because of the expense, the flight, the drive, the gas, doing everything it takes, the hotel and all of that. I really want to come, and I’m going to. And as BOOM! gets more successful, then I will have the money to pay my own way. But in the meantime I have to pay myself. So what’s happening is when I have a TV interview someplace and I go for that, which gets the word out. It pays for me to get there, and then I contact customers and fans and then they can set up a meet & greet, or host a Boom party at their house, etc.
So that’s how it works. Every time you write to me and say, “Well, come to my town. When are you coming to my town?’ I love knowing that you want me to come there, but I’m going to need more incentive and help getting there and making it happen. So I just wanted to say that. There’s probably more to say. It was just on the top of my mind, when I said ‘Good Morning. It’s Saturday.’
Okay. I am looking at questions. Some of you responded with, ‘I’m not going to watch Saturday with Cindy anymore if you are going to show us how to put on foundation and concealer and all the things that you said we shouldn’t be wearing.’ The reason I did that was to let the few of you know who do choose, consciously choose to wear foundation and concealer, how to use Boomsticks with that. And I am not advocating it, but I’m not putting it down, because each woman is free to make her own choices. And your choices are right. I’m not here to judge and have some arrogant attitude, saying that you should never do that. However, I do like to encourage you to love your sun spots, age spots, scars.
This is a acne scar. I had adult acne when I was 34, working as a makeup artist in Paris, with all these models. And I would come with these huge acne scarring welts on my face. It was not a pretty picture, and I felt awful, I felt humiliated. I went to a dermatologist that helped me. I came back to America. I got acne again and I took Accutane, long before I got into the natural way to do it. It helped and it also ruined my night vision for about 15 years. So there’s some pretty hardcore drugs, and now I would recommend other ways of getting rid of it, but that’s what I did. Anyway, that’s a mark of something I went through, something that I have compassion for myself for, and I don’t want to hide it. When I smile it looks like a dimple. So I’ve got a dimple that I was never born with. There’s always a way to look at everything positively.
Everything on my face, everything on my body is a result of my life. So if I love my life, I’m going to love the results. Do I think about having jelly skin and cellulite next to my 50-year-old friend in Mexico, where I just spent a week, laying by the pool, swimming in the ocean, having a great old time? Yeah.
So if it’s a day where I’m not feeling that great, I’ll wear sleeves and I’ll cover my thighs. And if it’s a day where it’s like, “You know what? This is me. Take it or leave it.’ And I put on a bikini and people say that at 60 you shouldn’t be wearing a bikini. But when I’m out there in the water, I don’t feel like putting on clothes to go in the water. And I can’t swim nude because it’s not legal, so I put on a bikini. And do I throw on a little shirt after I get out of the water? Sometimes. And usually by 3:00, it’s hot and everybody’s having a great old time, and I’m looking down at my 61-year-old stomach, with all that loose skin that got stretched out twice from having kids and all that, and it’s like, ‘You know what? This is me. If you don’t like it, well that’s your judgment.’ If you have to look away because older people shouldn’t allow that to show, that’s fine. That’s your prerogative. We probably won’t be friends.
So there you go. I don’t even know what all I’ve talked about. So that’s what I have to say about that, and I’m sure I’ll have a lot more to say next Saturday. So leave your comments. Let me know what you think. I think you’re wonderful. I love hearing from you on Facebook and here on the blog. Talk to each other. Talk to me. Let’s keep the conversation going. All right. See you next week.