Still Curious, Still Active: 80 Amazing Years of Marlo
Still Curious, Still
Active: 80 Amazing
Years of Marlo
Marlo leads a life full of amazing adventures.
From tending bar to starting an opera company, Marlo’s flexibility has helped her follow her heart and her interests over her 80 beautiful years.
That has also meant change, risk, adventure—and fun. This pro-age woman is by no means done, either.
“I’m still curious,” she says. “I’m still active. I still take risks. I still have adventures... And I will continue to have.”
Trying Boom was a risk for Marlo—one that paid off.
“Boom has been an adventure for me,” she says. “I feel like I look good. I feel good. If it weren’t for Boom, I wouldn’t look this good.”
Watch Marlo’s video to learn more about her amazing life.
Do you like being the age you are now? Tell us why or why not in the comments below.