Meet Hillary: Feeling Sexy at 55
Sexiness comes from the inside. For Hillary, 55 is the age when that sexiness really kicks in. Find out why in today’s video.
Do you agree with Hillary? Or is there another age when you have felt particularly sexy? Let us know in the comments after you watch the video.
Video Transcript:
Sexy at 25 has nothing on sexy at 55.
I mean, as a mature woman, this is the peak time for us.
We've fully grown into our bodies. We've grown into our mindset. We know what we want. We know what we like.
We should be comfortable in our skin, and that's very important, to not obsess about body flaws and this. We have a lot more to offer than that.
And sexiness, again, comes from inner confidence, inner secure in who you are. It's not about looking perfect in your bikini. It's nothing about that.