How to Increase Your Vitality Every Year of Your Life
By Jessica
We all know vitality when we feel it.
We feel revved up, energized and passionate. Our bodies are relaxed but engaged. Our minds are stimulated without being stressed. When we tap into that feeling of vitality, we’re in touch with that “zest for life” that everyone always talks about.
But in the day to day, it’s not always easy to feel that way. We have tasks to juggle, responsibilities to handle and routines to maintain. Our bodies can feel tired and our minds can be taxed.
When that happens, how do we stay in touch with that feeling of vitality?
As I’ve experimented with how to feel better in my daily life, I’ve found a few things that increase my vitality and help me stay “revved up”—even when I’m a little tired.
(And bonus! Feeling more vital means you look more vital too, because how we feel on the inside shows on the outside. Increasing your vitality is just about the best thing you can do for your looks.)
Here are a few ideas to get you started…
Get moving.
This is always at the top of the list.
I think moving the body is the absolute best way to tap into a feeling of vitality. You can do this, no matter where your body currently is. Whether you have an injury or you’ve been sedentary for a while, or whether you’re running triathlons or climbing mountains, you can get up and start moving.
There’s a physical activity that’s right for everybody. Walking, dancing (even dancing in a chair or for just 10 minutes in your living room!), running, hitting the gym, yoga, gentle stretches in your home—any one of those things will get your blood flowing, activate your cells, get things moving and increase your vitality.
Pick one thing that sounds fun and easy and do it each day for 10 minutes. Even if you’re tired. Especially if you’re tired!
Try something you have no idea how to do.
My partner said to me many years ago, “The three most beautiful words in the English language, next to ‘I love you,’ are ‘I don’t know.’” It blew my mind, changed my life and has served as a credo ever since.
My partner said to me many years ago, “The three most beautiful words in the English language, next to ‘I love you,’ are ‘I don’t know.’” It blew my mind, changed my life and has served as a credo ever since.
We are trained to be uncomfortable with ‘I don’t know.’ We’re taught to think we’re already supposed to know things, that we’re supposed to demonstrate expertise and mastery all the time to maintain our position.
Expertise and mastery are terrific. But they don’t leave a lot of room for novelty. And novelty is actually what makes us feel alive. Discovery increases our feeling of vitality exponentially.
So staying comfortable with “I don’t know” is actually key to our vitality.
One of my favorite ways to boost vitality is to try something I have absolutely no idea how to do. That could be taking a dance class in a form I’ve never tried before, doing a craft project like pickling or throwing pottery, rock climbing or trying a brand new art form like writing poetry or painting.
The act of doing something that I don’t know how to do—and being comfortable with not knowing how to do it—makes me feel alive and invigorated.
Boost vitality on the outside.
We all know that beauty comes from inside, but giving the outside a little boost doesn’t hurt.
Boomstick Color is designed to give your skin the natural flush it gets when your circulation revs up and you’re feeling extra vital and excited. When I’m feeling a little tired or draggy, a touch of Boomstick Color in the places where my skin would naturally flush with excitement—cheeks, nose, forehead—perks me up.
Seeing my reflection in the mirror makes me feel invigorated and vital. It creates a positive-reinforcement circuit! When I look more vital, I feel more vital, and when I feel more vital, that feeling just grows.
What do you think? Are you inspired to try any of these tips yourself? Or do you already feel amazing and vital just as you are? Either way, we’d love to hear about it in the comments below.