How to Feel More Beautiful As You Age
By Jessica
Advertisers, magazines, and media send us messages in ways both subtle and obvious that tell us only youth is beautiful. These messages often tie beauty to our capacity to have children. They say we are beautiful when we are “in the bloom of youth” and life is laid out in front of us.
But for most of us, life lasts a lot longer than just our twenties and early thirties. (And shouldn’t we be enjoying life on this planet for as long as we possibly can?) That leaves us with several decades where we—supposedly—become less attractive, even as we evolve, grow, transform and achieve!
And the truth is, that model just doesn’t match up with reality for the vast majority of women.
We’ve talked to thousands of women who feel more sexy, more vital, more confident, and more powerful as they aged. We believe that makes them more beautiful too—it’s just that our limited societal standards haven’t caught up to us!
But societal messages can be powerful. So in the face of that negativity, how do you stay connected to the truth that you’re getting more and more beautiful as you age? How do you recognize that you’re becoming more and more confident, wise, experienced and evolved?
Here are a few things I’ve found that have helped me feel more beautiful as I’ve aged…
Be mindful of media consumption.
It used to just be about “not watching too much TV.”
But now we have laptops, smartphones, iPads—all sorts of screens taking up all sorts of space in our lives. All these screens are full of messages that may have nothing to do with what we actually feel or believe.
So be mindful of your media consumption. Reducing screen time can be difficult—especially when so much of our work life can happen on screens. But I find it’s worth the effort.
When I spend less time exposed to media, I experience more spaciousness, more joy, and more contact with how I actually feel.
Instead of connecting to these unrealistic images that I’m supposed to compare myself to, I’m connected to how I actually feel on the inside. And how I feel on the inside is usually a lot better—and a lot more beautiful—than all that advertising coming through on all those screens.
Surround yourself with people who share your ideals of beauty.
When you’re surrounded by people who’ve internalized society’s standards of beauty, it can be tougher to shrug them off yourself.
We naturally care about and invest in what the people who are close to us have to say. So if you’re surrounded by friends who put themselves down or say negative things about “looking old,” some of that can seep in, even if it’s not what you believe.
I find that spending time with people who share my belief that as long as we’re growing, we get more beautiful as we age, helps ground me in feeling great about the way I look.
Revolutionize your relationship with makeup.
So many cosmetics companies tell us we should “cover up” or “hide” the natural signs of age like lines and silver hair.
But what if we decided that’s not the purpose of makeup?
What if we decided that the purpose of makeup is to enhance what we’ve got going on naturally, to give a little boost, to pump up our natural glow, or even just to have a little fun?
What if we refused to believe we had anything to hide or cover up? And instead, we experimented with products that enhance what’s already there?
Our Boomstick Trio is designed to enhance your natural features—without covering anything up or hiding your beauty. That’s just one example of “pro-age makeup” that reveals what already makes you beautiful at every age.
Those are just a few ideas. What do you do to feel more beautiful with each passing year? Let us know in the comments!