Boomstick Trio/Boom Bright Demo
Sandra's Boom Skincare Favorites
Sandra's Advice To Her Younger Self
For me, the PRO-AGING journey means being real, being confident, embracing an active lifestyle, and looking at beauty in a new way.
For a time, I was trapped in the anti-aging cycle of trying to stay eternally young. I tried to fight aging and it was exhausting. I was always searching for some miracle fix for my face and dying my hair every couple of months to a light blonde. I had forgotten what color my natural hair was.
There came a point that I knew anti-aging was not for me. I loved my life and I was enjoying each day. I was, and am, living life to the fullest. I wanted to celebrate that. I knew I wanted to get rid of the "made up" look and I wanted a healthier lifestyle. I wanted what I put in my body to be good for me. That is when I realized that I also needed healthier, all natural products ON my skin. I also wanted to stop putting harsh chemicals on my hair. I did my research and found BOOM! I discovered a video by Cindy Joseph, the founder of Boom! by Cindy Joseph and listened to her message about PRO-AGING. I could tell Cindy was authentic and really cared about creating quality, all natural, products. I finally had a name to what I was searching for...PRO-AGING.
I ordered my first products shortly after that and I fell in love with these products and ordered more. I feel the all natural BOOM! skin care for my face and body reveals my natural beauty. I feel like I took off a mask and am embracing being uniquely me.
Letting my hair go natural was hard, I hadn't seen my natural color in over 35 years. I kept a bleached blonde look for so long. About 10 months ago, when I began to grow my hair longer and natural, I was surprised to find my hair was not yet gray. It was a few shades darker than the fake blonde I had for so long. Now my natural hair has grown out in shades of light, dark and golden blonde all mixed together. It has depth and a natural highlighting. I can't remember why I ever covered it up. It is the real me and I like it!!! My natural hair is healthier and looks better with my skin tone. I feel my hair completes my authentic look.
This journey with BOOM! products has been, and continues to be, amazing. My skin is glowing and has a new radiance that I love. I am so glad I've gotten to know BOOM! creator, Cindy Joseph, through her videos. While I will never get to meet Cindy, I feel I am part of her legacy in PRO-AGING and I can walk in her footsteps in my own PRO-AGING journey.
From these experiences with BOOM!, I look at aging in a different way. Age is just a number and certainly does not define me. I am teaching my daughter and my two granddaughters about PRO-AGING. I encourage them to embrace and enjoy life at every age.
Cindy Joseph successfully created a company with skin care that is healthy and gives a life-changing message about PRO-AGING. I, and so many other women, will benefit from this message and from the BOOM! all-natural products.
—Sandra Berg