Boomstick Trio and Boom Bright Demo
Ruth's Thoughts on Boomsilk
Ruth's Pro-age Life
I’m Ruth, when I thought of the best way to introduce myself, I got lost in too many words. There is so much more of us than a few words can describe when I think of you, or myself. But I’ll try anyway…
I’m an author, a homemaker, a mother of 4, and a wife of 29 years. I’m 53 years old and I love to cook. I traveled the world and moved more than 20 times, and now reside in California. Yet, all this doesn’t define me. At 53 I’m still rediscovering myself! For example, my husband and I are about to be empty-nesters. For a fervent nest builder, this opens up a world of opportunities for me. I love to create places, where people can just be. Whether it’s at my dinner table, or for a longer stay in our guestroom, it gives me so much energy when they feel at home. . I have a passion for words, and writing. Wrote a book, about different religions, to encourage the younger generation to ask deep questions, and not automatically take a belief from a parent or peers. And I love being 53. That’s why the whole anti-age doesn’t resonate with me. The word alone! Anti-age. It literally means being against your own age. How can I be against that? I’m all for being 53. My mother is 87, and with all her wrinkles, experiences, and wisdom, I’m grateful for her 87 years. I rather use pro-age instead. Whether it’s 18, 53, or 86, I’m all for who we are and where we’re at.
But this doesn’t mean, that I don’t need to take care of myself and let it all go. When I was younger I hardly wore make-up. I didn’t see the need and didn’t want to be bothered. Unfortunately, with becoming older, my face looks tired more easily. So I need to hydrate and take care of my face. And for make-up, I use Cindy Joseph’s Boomstick Trio. I love that it’s nurturing, and easy to apply with big results. The red on my cheeks makes me look as if I just woke up from a good nap or a nice hike. I look fresh and well-taken care of. All 53 years of me.
—Ruth Schleppi-Verboom