7 Ways to Boost Your Pro-age Confidence
7 Ways to Boost
Your Pro-age
Maintaining a pro-age mindset in our ageist society can be challenging sometimes.
Cindy Joseph said, “We are constantly bombarded by negative messages as to what is going to happen after age 30, 40, maybe as late as 50. But the picture is, it's all downhill after that crescendo they call the prime of your life.”
Cindy started the Pro-age Revolution to help women embrace the truth—that every new decade of life is richer and more beautiful than the one before.
“The prime of your life is right now—and right now, and now,” Cindy said. “Every minute that you're alive is the prime of your life.”
Living a pro-age life takes courage and confidence—and sometimes those need to be strengthened and restored. Today, we are sharing seven ways to boost your pro-age confidence.
Each one comes directly from Cindy Joseph—founder of the Pro-age Revolution and an inspiration to each of us, every day.
We hope these tips will help you live as if every moment is the prime of your life.
1. Grow out your silver hair.
Want a huge pro-age confidence boost? Grow out your silver hair.
Cindy called it silver hair rather than gray: “Because silver is valuable… Silver's something you spend a lot of money on. Something you value. Something you polish. Something that you display in your home.”
Hundreds of women have shared how their pro-age confidence and beauty grew after embracing their silver hair.
Boom Ambassador Mireya Olmos says, “I absolutely love, love—I can’t emphasize it enough—my silver hair. I get compliments all the time. I think I feel the sexiest, most vibrant that I’ve ever been, even since I was younger.”
If you’ve been thinking about embracing your silver hair, we suggest checking out this handy guide on how to do it.
2. Take inventory.
Our lives at this age are so much fuller and more vibrant than many of us would have guessed when we were younger.
That’s because we’re told life is essentially over at 50. Cindy said, “In fact, it's not true at all. You are like a caterpillar coming out of a cocoon.”
Cindy encouraged us to disregard what we’re told about aging and look at the reality—we get better with every year of life. Taking inventory of the positive qualities you have now that you didn’t have 10, 15 or 20 years ago can help you see that more clearly.
“Because you can't take away from who you are, you can only add to it,” Cindy said.
“Take an inventory, write it down, and you'll start getting very excited about what you are capable of and what you have to offer to the world.”
3. Cross something off your bucket list.
Many people keep a list of things they want to do or accomplish in life, often called a bucket list.
Crossing something off that list can help you see and celebrate the opportunities you have before you.
Cindy said, “I've always kept a list and I've been scratching it off. My thinking is, the excitement that we now have more time to go after all those things we're passionate about on our bucket list.”
If you don’t have a bucket list yet, we suggest creating one. Then—cross something off.
4. Go out without makeup.
Feeling more attached to your makeup routine than you’d like?
Cindy, who made a career in beauty, first as a makeup artist and later as a silver-haired model, recommended stepping out without makeup every now and again.
“It's so easy to get used to seeing yourself with makeup,” Cindy pointed out. “So what I do periodically is I purposely wear no makeup... I go to parties. I go to dinners…until I start appreciating my own features, just as mother nature painted them.”
If you’re nervous, start small. Try short errands to the bank or grocery store first. Then, add in other events and outings, until you begin to appreciate your natural beauty, just as you are.
5. Focus on your pleasure.
Cindy was a big proponent of choosing pleasure.
She said, “Another quote that I really, really like is, ‘If you go for success, pleasure is 50-50. If you go for pleasure, success is guaranteed.’”
Choosing pleasure is another way to embrace pro-age thinking. Contrary to what you might think, choosing pleasure is not always an easy path.
“Living your life according to what pleasures you…it takes some discipline,” Cindy said. “Some real discipline because we have been raised in a pain-oriented society.”
Much like choosing to be pro-age in an anti-aging society, choosing pleasure goes against everything we’re taught.
Seeking pleasure in your everyday life can help build confidence and courage in many areas of your life, including being pro-age.
6. Celebrate your birthday.
Remember how much you loved your birthday when you were young?
“When you were 6 and you couldn't wait to be 7,” Cindy said. “You were 13 and you couldn't wait to be 16. You were 19 and you couldn't wait to be 21. We always looked forward to the next stage in our life.”
But somewhere in our journey, many of us stop celebrating our birthdays.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
If you’ve been in the habit of avoiding your birthday, choosing to celebrate another year with all the joy and excitement you had in your childhood can be an act of pro-age courage.
Plan a party, buy yourself a gift or take yourself on a trip…whatever brings you pleasure and helps you to celebrate the next phase of your life.
7. Leave a legacy.
Embracing pro-age confidence is good for you…but it also goes far beyond each of us individually.
The pro-age movement we’ve built together has the power to change so much for the women that come behind us…including our daughters and granddaughters.
Cindy said, “Start finding all those things that you love about your own unique character and your own unique age and start celebrating it. If you do that, you are going to be an example for all the women younger than you who want that.
“They want to see that they have a wonderful place to go, and it’s up to us. It’s up to you to do that. Do that for your daughters, your granddaughters, your grandnieces and all the women you’re never going to meet.
“You’re going to be gone—leave a legacy for them. Celebrate. Celebrate your beauty, celebrate your life. It’s a beautiful thing.
YOU are a beautiful thing.”
We hope you’ll celebrate the beauty of your life today by embracing pro-age confidence in everything you do.
Tell us, how do you embrace a pro-age lifestyle and attitude?