The idea that there’s a prime or peak of life has been taught to us over and over again through television, movies, news and social media.
Whether this imaginary peak is in our 20s, 30s or even our 40s, it would mean we spend the majority of our lives—more than 40, 50 or 60 years of it—past our “prime.”
That’s absurd.
While we’re often told that aging is something to be avoided and that our beauty fades and value decreases as we age, we experience something very different.
We often realize a myriad of positive benefits as we age, from increased confidence, peace and contentment to a stronger sense of self-worth and greater acknowledgment of our own beauty and value.
It was this very realization that spurred Cindy Joseph to found BOOM!
“When I got to about 43 years old,” she said, “I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I was waiting for all those bad things to happen and they never did. I kept getting better, I kept getting healthier, happier, wiser, smarter, funnier, sexier.”
“In my point of view, the prime of your life is right now…and right now…and now,” Cindy said. “Every minute that you're alive is the prime of your life.”
Embracing the prime of life can look different for different people. But the tips below may help you welcome all the possibilities your life has to offer in every moment.
1. Embrace your age.
Living at your peak means embracing your age.
For some, embracing their age might be an internal process.
It might include learning to quiet the inner critic, seeing the beauty in our natural features or consciously rejecting negative stereotypes about growing older.
For others, it might mean going out without makeup or growing out silver hair.
Learning to embrace your age is a personal journey you define for yourself.
2. Recognize the gifts.
So many gifts come with growing older, but if you listen to the narrative of our dominant culture you’d never know it.
We suggest listening inward and journaling or meditating to discover the gifts aging has brought you.
They might include more confidence, a new kind of beauty, better perspective, more time to follow your dreams, loving friends and family or inner peace and contentment.
3. Keep dreaming.
Living like the prime of life is now means not stopping just because you’ve reached a particular age.
Chasing your dreams, setting new goals or creating a “bucket list” (a list of things you want to do or accomplish) are all tangible ways of embracing the possibilities still open to you at every age.
Your life is full of possibilities—to have more fun, go to new places, meet new people, love your family and friends, create art, start a business, read more books or learn new things.
The only question is, what do YOU want to do with the rest of your life?
4. Take action that makes you feel good.
Finally, take action that helps you love your life more every day.
For some, that means starting a new business at 60.
For others, it means picking up a long-forgotten hobby and for still others, it means spending more time with family, friends, creative pursuits or in nature.
Living like the prime of life is now doesn’t necessarily mean doing more—it means enjoying life more.
Now it’s your turn: How do you embrace the prime of your life?