3 Pro-age Affirmations to Empower You at Every Age
“I am beautiful.” “I am confident.” “I am the woman I’m meant to be.”
When you say empowering words like this to yourself, you give yourself permission to grow and evolve with each year of your life.
You inspire yourself to use every moment you’re given. Instead of worrying about what may come and letting the days pass, you’re taking action. You’re the one making things happen. You’re the woman who may start a new career in her 50s, take on a challenging volunteer project in her 60s, or bravely start dating again in her 70s.
While other women might fret about their age and try to look younger, you’re the one saying “I like how I look. I love my age, and I love who I have become.”
That’s the power of affirmations.
An affirmation is an empowering statement that encourages you to see the best in yourself. An affirmation gives you permission to look past limits. It’s permission to see age as positive growth and change instead of a drawback.
There are countless ways to use affirmations to give yourself a greater sense of joy, confidence and peace in your daily life.
Today, we’re sharing three of our favorite affirmations—and a few ways to use them—to empower you every year of your life.
“I am exactly the right age, at whatever age I happen to be.”
No person in the world is exactly like you. You are beautiful and unique in your wisdom, skills, experiences, talents, sacrifices, family, friends and loves.
That means you are the right age, right this very second. And you will always be the right age—not only now, but five, 10 and 20 years in the future.
As our founder, Cindy Joseph, used to say, “There is no prime of your life. Your prime is right now. Right this second.”
When you recognize that truth, it’s so much easier to make the most of each year you’re given.
Just waking up each morning and thinking, “I am the right age, right this moment,” is such an empowering act.
It gives you permission for all the possibilities to come and allows you to recognize everything you are right this second.
If nothing else, it brings you a little peace of mind to know who you are at this age.
Exercise: Try saying this affirmation out loud each morning for seven days in a row. Hang it on your mirror so you see it each day. See how just speaking this out loud impacts you. Do you feel ready to take on the world?
“I grow and evolve every year of my life.”
Aging is a process of growth, change and evolution. When you look back at how far you’ve come in your life, it’s easier to see how you’ve grown into everything you are.
Want to prove it to yourself?
Exercise: Get out a piece of paper, grab your journal or open a blank document on your computer and write out a list of everything you accomplished in your 20s.
List everything. Your career achievements. Your great loves. Your hobbies. Your talents. Your travels. Your solutions to large problems you faced.
Got the list for what you achieved in your 20s? Great!
Now write out a second list of everything you have achieved in your 30s, 40s, 50s… and every decade after. List everything you’re proud to have accomplished in your life up until now.
Now compare your two lists. Chances are your second list will be much longer. It shows how you keep growing and evolving every year of your life.
Pretty impressive, right?
“I love ____ about myself, right now.”
This one is so important.
When you love yourself, it opens up the possibility to love everyone else in your life. It makes it easier to love every year of your life too.
Exercise: Make a list right now. Fill in the blank with everything you love about yourself at this age. Every talent. Every feature. Every hobby. Every family member. Everything that makes you who you are.
Everything that makes this age amazing right now.
Try hanging up the list somewhere in your home or office where you’ll see it often. Try hanging up the list somewhere in your home or office where you’ll see it often.
When you’re having a less-than-positive day, try reading out loud all those things you love about yourself.
See how it impacts how you feel.
Tell us: Which affirmation do you like the best? Are you inspired to use any of these affirmations in your daily life?