We love fall—including the amazing fruits and vegetables that are ripe for harvest during this season.
It’s not just about pumpkins. So many nutritious, delicious foods reach their peak now, including sweet potatoes, squashes of every color and shape, berries and apples and cabbages and cauliflowers.
This really is the season of plenty. And we’re excited to show you 10 delicious fall foods particularly good for supporting your skin’s health and a radiant glow.
Find out what to eat this fall to keep your glow growing throughout the season.
1. Berries
Fall berries come in so many forms and flavors, but the one thing most berries have in common is vitamin A.
New cells are born in the deepest layer of your skin. As they mature, they move outward toward the surface and older cells at the surface drop off to make room.
Cell turnover rate is one of the biggest factors in our complexion’s brightness and luminosity. That rate slows dramatically as we age, from a low of about 14 days as babies to about 84 days after we reach age 50.
The vitamin A in many berries (and in many of the foods listed below) can help put that process into overdrive, leading to a bright, glowy complexion.
Goji berries are a great choice for your skin but so are less exotic varieties including blueberries, cranberries, blackberries and raspberries.
2. Brussels Sprouts
This oft-maligned vegetable is a powerhouse for your skin. Brussels sprouts are high in vitamin C, which supports collagen production, but they’re also high in antioxidants and sulforaphane.
Sulforaphane is responsible for the unique aroma of Brussels sprouts when they are cooked. This combination of nutrients helps fight the damage from free radicals to keep your skin looking its best.
3. Carrots
These delicious vegetables are packed with beta-carotene, the vitamin precursor that gives their flesh its orange-red color. In your body, beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A, which helps with cell regeneration, immunity and supports healthy skin and hair.
Beta carotene is also an antioxidant, which helps protect your cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.
4. Pumpkin
Pumpkins are a ubiquitous symbol of the season. But they aren’t just for decorating or pie. Pumpkin contains vitamins A and C, which boosts collagen production and helps with a host of other vital functions, including healthy skin and hair.
They also contain vitamins B1, which helps with dry skin, and B6, which helps moderate the effect of hormonal changes on the skin that can lead to acne, inflammation and redness.
5. Beets
This colorful vegetable is packed with vitamin C, which protects your skin from free-radicals, supports collagen production and repairs and prevents dry skin. Try them sliced into a salad, diced and roasted or juiced into your morning smoothie for a glow that lasts.
6. Apples
Another favorite, apples are a special fall delight. These vitamin-packed fruits contain high amounts of flavonoids, a type of free-radical fighter that protects against cell damage due to pollution, sun damage and more.
Apples are also packed with vitamin C, important in collagen production, and the B vitamins that can help prevent acne and other skin irritations.
7. Seeds and nuts
Many seeds and nuts contain a variety of vitamins and nutrients that are harder to find elsewhere, including vitamin E, zinc, magnesium and selenium, all of which help promote healthy skin.
Pumpkin seeds, almonds and walnuts are all choices packed with fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, which can help clear the skin and give it a healthy glow.
They’re also high in zinc, a mineral used in the production and maintenance of collagen, the protein that helps keep your skin plump and elastic.
8. Avocado
This creamy food is one that can really benefit your skin any time of year. Packed with healthy fats including omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins C, E, K and B6, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium and potassium, these fruits are known to benefit your skin.
In one small study, 39 women were divided into two groups. One group ate one avocado per day, while the other continued their usual diet. At the end of two weeks, the women in the avocado group had better skin elasticity and firmness than those in the control group.
9. Squash
Like pumpkins, many members of the squash family, including the popular acorn squash and butternut squash, are high in vitamins A and C, which support cell regeneration, collagen production and play a role in protecting your cells against the deleterious effects of free radicals.
Try them roasted or pureed into a warm autumn soup.
10. Fatty fish
Fatty fish, like mackerel, herring, black cod, sardines and salmon are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep your skin soft, supple and moisturized.
Experts recommend consuming fatty fish like these twice per week to help with heart health and to support the elastin in your skin which keeps it thick and plump.
We hope this list will help you eat a delicious path to a radiant glow this season. Or for an external boost of skin nutrition, try Boom NectarⓇ, our moisturizing serum. Made with all-natural, organic ingredients, including jojoba oil, witch hazel and rosehip oil, Boom Nectar is like a nourishing multivitamin for your skin.
Tell us, what are your favorite fall foods?